Bookings for Performances
The drumline is comfortable in performing on stage, amidst a crowd, or marching. It is self-contained and mobile, not requiring electric speakers, unless playing with singers on stage to large audiences.
When requesting a booking, the drumline cannot immediately provide a confirmation whether they can accept or not. This is due to the drumline being a voluntary organisation with many teenage players. All players must be asked their availability, and if there are sufficient numbers available then the invitation will be accepted. Depending on the timing of the receipt of an invitation, it usually takes between one and two weeks to be able to provide an answer. We therefore request your patience in initially dealing with us. You will then find that we are quite prompt, professional and easy to deal with.
The following details are required for the drumline to know what their commitments would be:
- Date, time & place to perform and whether this is on stage, an area, or marching (or combinations). Note that the drumline always prefers to play on and off (or in and out) to where they are to perform
- Required duration of performance. It should be noted that the drumline is aimed at maximum impact which is achieved with a 10 or 20 minute duration performance time.
- Whether there are multiple performances required. If so, then the time between performances should not exceed 1 hour.
- Details for arranging a meet with the drumline officer about an hour before the performance to go-over expectations so that the organiser and drumline are definitely on the ‘one page’.
Please contact the Musical Director, Don Want: 0428 281 941